Monday, August 30, 2010
ford wallpaper B
ford wallpaper A
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Song of the Week ( 23 - 29 August 2010 )

performed by : Avril Lavigne
Simple but special. Itulah 'I'm With You' . Kita dapat merasakan aura emosional yang keluar dari permainan vokal Avril yang kadang terkesan kuat dan rapuh serta tataan musik Pop- Rock nya yang apik dan semakin menambah 'feel' dari lagu ini. Dan, dari goresan liriknya kita dapat merasakan bahwa lagu ini bercerita banyak tentang kesendirian yang dibalut dengan sedikit romansa cinta ...
Lirik :
'm standin' on the bridge
I'm waitin' in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound
Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
I'm tryin' to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you
Hmm hmm hmm
I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know?
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone
Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
I try to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you
Yea yea
Oh, why is everything so confusing?
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea eee yeah, yea eee yeah
Yea yee yea, yea eee yeah,yeah
It's a damn cold night
Tryin' to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you, yea
I'm with you, yea
Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you, yea
I'm with you, yea
Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you, oh
I'm with you
I'm with you
Friday, August 27, 2010
girls wallpaper AAS
girls wallpaper ASD

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Song of the Week ( 16 - 22 August 2010 )

performed by : Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift comeback !!! Dengan lagu Country - Pop yang terasa sangat teenage's life ini, ia kembali memberikan kesegaran dalam bermusik. Dalam 'Mine' yang terkesan sangat impresif ini Taylor menceritakan kisah cinta khas remaja yang penuh kejutan dan dalam tempo lagu yang cepat ia berhasil menggambarkan betapa menggebunya cinta yang ia tuangkan dalam lagu ini. Dalam liriknya pun Taylor mengungkapkan banyak hal tentang keraguan dan isi hati seseorang yang sedang dimabuk cinta. Nice song ...
Lirik :
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables
Left a small town and never looked back
I was a flight risk, afraid of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts
I say, "Can you believe it?"
As we're lyin' on the couch
The moment, I can see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now
Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?
You put your arm around me for the fist time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Flash forward, and we're takin' on the world together
And there's a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and figure out why I'm guarded
You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes
But we got bills to pay
We got nothin' figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes
This is what I thought about:
Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?
You put your arm around me for the fist time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh
And I remember that fight, two-thirty AM
You said everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye, cause that's all I've ever known
Then, you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone."
You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water.
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time.
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter.
She is the best thing that's ever been mine."
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Do you believe it?
We're gonna make it now
And I can see it
I can see it now
Kemana Kuharus Berlari ...

Ada saatnya ku merasa bahagia ...
Dihibur oleh berkah tak ternilai ...
Diambung layaknya raja disinggasana ...
Ada saatnya ku merasa hancur ...
Diluluh lantakan oleh ombak kehidupan ...
Diinjak layaknya buah busuk bercacing ...
Dan ada saatnya pula aku merasa harus kabur ...
Berlari menuju kebebasanku ...
Melepaskan segala rasa gerahku ...
Ya, berlari ...
Pergi jauh ke Barat ...
Mengejar mimpi dan bintang paling bersinar ...
Ya, kabur ...
Meninggalkan luka - luka lamaku ...
Merantau untuk menyembuhkan kegalauan hati ...
Tapi, aku ini bodoh ...
Aku ini bodoh ...
Aku ini masih seumur jagung ...
Buta akan rahasia kehidupan ...
Lumpuh untuk berlari terlalu jauh ...
Kalau sudah begini kemana kuharus berlari ? ...
Kemana kuharus kabur ? ...
Kemana ? ...
Dikala hasrat ku membuncah aku harus membelengunya ...
Dikala aku berkata tak ada yang mendengarkan ...
Dikala mata ku lelah untuk melihat kuharus membukanya lebar -lebar ...
Raga dan jiwaku lelah untuk semua itu ...
Kuingin merasakan ketenangan batinku kembali ...
Kuingin bermimpi dalam tidur lebh lama lagi ...
Kuingin berlari ...
Tapi, kemana ? ...
Kemana kuharus berlari ? ...
Katakan padaku ...
Kemana kuharus berlari ...
Hampa ...

Di ruangan itu aku duduk ...
Menutup diri dari keramaian ...
Menyatu dalam keheningan batin ...
Menghilang di balik keresaha jiwa ...
Aku seakan tak bernyawa ...
Aku seakan tak berhasrat ...
Aku seakan tak bernafas ...
Aku seakan tak berakal ...
Tapi, aku seakan melayang ...
Seperti setitik debu diluasnya udara ...
Aku melayang hampa ...
Tanpa ada katauntuk diucapkan ...
Refleksi diriku kini menampakkan kesuraman ...
Auraku meredup sayu ...
Dan aku tak sanggup bertindak lagi ...
Aku hampa tak berwarna ...
real madrid wallpaper decade
Monday, August 23, 2010
barcelona wallpaper 2
barcelona wallpaper 1
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Duniaku ...

Bagiku, tiada tempat lain di Bumi ini ...
Yang mampu menyamainya ...
Tiada mimpi terindah dalam hidupku ...
Selain berada di dalamnya ...
Tiada nyanyian terindah yang dapat menyamai ...
Selain di tempat itu ...
Hanya di tempat itu ...
Duniaku ...
Tempat dimana imajinasiku terbang ...
Melampaui langit biru terindah ....
Tempat dimana mimpi - mimpiku bertiup ...
Layaknya hembusan angin musim semi ...
Tempat dimana aku dapat melayang jauh ...
Pergi meninggalkan segala keluh kesah ku ...
Menuju surgawi fana tanpa batas ...
Duniaku ...
Dimana matahari memancarkan cahaya hangat mencerahkan ...
Dimana jutaan warna hidup berpadu mesra ...
Dimana hidup adalah sebuah hal yang patut dihargai dengan senyuman abadi ...
Dimana aku dan jiwaku dapat merasa aman dari segala dosa dan hinaan ...
Ooh duniaku ...
Kan kugapai tempat itu dengan jembatan mimpi berkilauan ...
Kan kurasa tempat itu dengan ketenangan Firdaus ...
Kan kucari tempat itu dalam setiap asa dan mimpiku ...
pes 2011 wallpaper
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lirik Pilihan ...
Young girl don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl it’s alright
Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly
When you’re safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Young girl don’t hide
You’ll never change if you just run away
Young girl just hold tight
Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you look outside look inside to your soul
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you’re learning
You’ll find all you’ll ever need to know
(be strong)
You’ll break it
(hold on)
You’ll make it
Just don’t forsake it because
No one can tell you what you can’t do
No one can stop you, you know that I’m talking to you
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Young girl don’t cry I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl it’s alright
Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly
When you’re safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Young girl don’t hide
You’ll never change if you just run away
Young girl just hold tight
Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you look outside look inside to your soul
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you’re learning
You’ll find all you’ll ever need to know
(be strong)
You’ll break it
(hold on)
You’ll make it
Just don’t forsake it because
No one can tell you what you can’t do
No one can stop you, you know that I’m talking to you
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Young girl don’t cry I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Plontosss..... tosss............
Karena tradisi PASKIBRA yang mengikat setiap pasukan yang mengibar buat 17 Agustus-an di haruskan untuk memangkas rambutnya. Untuk cowok harus bergundul... untuk cewek memotong rambutnya sependek leher. Karena itu aku juga jadi ikut- ikutan memangkas rambutku. Iuhhhhhhhhhh.... Jadi aku sekarang anak keturunan Cina yang berambut gundul dan terus-terusan dikatain biksu, padahal akukan Islam. Tapi, demi Merah Putih tercinta aku relakan rambut rambutku yang malang itu. Toh, dalam beberapa bulan lagi pasti tubuh panjang lagi jadi ya jalanin aja hari - hari dengan gaya rambut baru ini..... hehehehe...........
Disini kuketik memoir ku hari Kamis tanggal 19 Agustus 2010...
Lagu 'Party In The USA' terdendang asik ditelingaku.........
Disini kuketik memoir ku hari Kamis tanggal 19 Agustus 2010...
Lagu 'Party In The USA' terdendang asik ditelingaku.........
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